Client Brief
Dell Technologies is a leading global provider of technology products and services. The company has sustainability goals centered on two primary areas: climate action and circular economy. Its objective is to reimagine communication strategies to raise awareness and inspire action towards sustainability.
At the annual flagship conference, Dell Technologies World, the company seeks to showcase its sustainability efforts through a two-part experience. The in-person component of the experience will be located in The Village, where a 30’ x 30’ activation space will be provided. The aim is to create an engaging experience that provides attendees with a better understanding and appreciation of Dell's sustainability efforts, through both in-person and virtual components.

The Experience
Attendees at Dell Technologies World can participate in the hybrid "Seed for the Future" experience via the DTW app. In-person and remote participants will receive a seed and grow their digital flower through QR code scanning touchpoints throughout the conference (if they are in person), sustainability pop quizzes, and panel attendance. The seed's growth is displayed on a progress bar in the app and is shown as seed to seedling, seedling to bud, and finally bud to flower.
At the conference is a colossal flower pot with a blue bonnet growing out of it-- a nod to Dell's home state of Texas. This serves as a physical representation of the seed of change Dell has planted and continues to grow. Every 1,000 interactions on the DTW app presents a blooming blue bonnet light show. Attendees can enter the inside of the pot where there will be interactive 360 touchscreens showcasing Dell’s sustainability initiatives, including its ongoing sustainability projects.

Seed for the Future: Simple Story
Flowers and plants keep our climate stable over time by offsetting temperature and moisture. They also offset greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions in the atmosphere. Simply put, flowers have a positive impact on climate change.
Like the flowers of the world, Dell is working to lower gas emissions and create a greener, cleaner future.
Our mission is to plant the seed of what a sustainable world would look like in the minds of DTW attendees. We hope to cultivate a positive impression of sustainability and encourage attendees to make a change.
Our mission is to plant the seed of what a sustainable world could look like through Dell's sustainable actions.

The exterior is a colossal terracotta pot with a robotic bluebonnet growing out of it. The bluebonnet is a nod to Dell's Texas roots and will incorporate interactive lighting and movement features triggered by audience participation throughout the conference. The outside of the pot will show projections of attendees' digital flowers. Surrounding the pot and leading up to its entrance will be fresh wildflowers.
The inside of the pot will have 360 multi-touch screens with interactive activations aimed to educate attendees on climate change, Dell's sustainable initiatives, and ways they can actively help the cause. Draping from the ceiling will be LED-powered roots that are tied to each story beat. A section of root will come alive by lighting up depending on certain beat/history that an attendee interacts with on the touchpoint. The floor inside the pot will be dark and dirtlike as well as have projected lifelike crawlies slithering across.


Attendees will navigate from the homescreen to the user info page. Here they will input their personal information including their hometown which indicates what kind of digital flower seed they will receive. The hyper-personalization aspect of the experience is for users to grow a flower that is representative of their home country or state as they complete quizzes and challenges that will grow their seed.

Attendees will receive a seed. To accept it they must sign a promise vowing to be more mindful of their sustainable practices.
Seed is received and planted through the Dell Expo App
Attendees will input their personal info including their hometown
Sign the promise to be sustainable and continue your journey throughout the expo to grow, develop your flower
Walk around and scan QR codes placed around the conference. The more engaged attendees are the more their flowers will be positively impacted. This way they can move freely and grow their plant.
Projection mapping on floor/outside of the pot with all flowers of registered attendees displayed
Attendees are motivated to participate and complete more tasks in order to bloom their flower on the app and see it projected in/on the spot.
In-person: The flowers will bloom on the pot using projection mapping and the big bloom of the flower outside.
App: Will send a virtual postcard with their flower and full bloom and the promise they made to be sustainable.
Media & Technology
LED Lighting
Led Lighting will be used to light up the robotic flower atop the pot as well as the root branches inside. This lighting will make the exhibit more visually appealing and engaging.
Multitouch Screens
These multitouch screens will allow attendees to personally engage with Dell on a deeper level than just visiting the Dell website. They will also intrigue this tech minded audience.
Ambient Sounds
These ambient nature sounds will be used to align nature and technology further together. The audio will be played inside the pot while attendees interact with the multitouch screens.
App Development
The mobile experience will need to be developed and combined with the existing DTW application. This will allow in-person and virtual attendees to learn about sustainability at Dell.
Projection Mapping
Projection mapping will be used to show attendees' flowers on the exterior pot wall. It will also be used to showcase the critters on the interior floor.