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Arcor Strawberry Bon Bons
CW & AD: Roxanne Mehdizadeh, Rachel Williams, & Cat Hermansen
The Insight: Arcor is Grandma Candy. The taste, smell, and crinkle of the wrapper universally remind people of their grandmothers. For those who are missing their families, Arcor Strawberry Bon Bons are a source of nostalgic comfort.
Campaign Rundown: A combination of OOH, direct mail, and experiential activations that will remind you of the sweet simple moments you may have shared with Grandma.
Tagline: "Nostalgia has a Flavor."

OOH: Needlepoint/Embroidery Billboard and Wallscape

Strawberry Mailboxes… Mail-a-Memory
Activation: Strawberry Arcor Candy-themed mailboxes that dispense candy in exchange for a handwritten letter to Grandma or Grandpa.
If someone doesn't have grandparents they would be matched to a resident in a nursing home or have the option to send a letter to another relative.
Assets for this include specially designed postcards + scratch and sniff strawberry scented postage stamps.


Grandma's Digital Quilt

OOH: ‘ Yarn Bombing’ Bus Stops
Activation: Yarn bombing is a form of street art designed to reclaim and personalize public places with yarn, crochet, and knit.
Arcor Strawberry Bon Bon-themed yarn bombing will bring a touch of Grandma's coziness and warmth to areas with high foot traffic.


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